A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨ Updated weekly!
Submitted 7/9/2019
🌩Curated list of awesome Cloudflare worker recipes, open-source projects, guides, blogs and other resources.
Submitted 7/9/2019
A helpful micro-framework for writing Kubernetes Admission Controllers 🔎🎟
Submitted 8/10/2019
Curated list of resources related to serverless computing and serverless architectures.
Submitted 8/14/2019
Bael is a free template that gives you an easy way to start a blog that uses modern technologies like static-site JAMstack architecture, CSS grid layout, responsive design, and fuzzy search — all wrapped up in a brutalist aesthetic.
Submitted 1/31/2020
Deploy a Cloudflare Worker to sanely score users' new passwords with zxcvbn AND check for matches against haveibeenpwned's 9.4+ billion breached accounts
Submitted 2/12/2020
COVID-19 Statistics Tracker provides information about the number of COVID-19 cases recorded,the number of cases confirmed and the number of deaths.It uses Ajax fetch requests to fetch data from an external API
Submitted 3/28/2020
A lightweight Javascript Reverse Proxy based on Cloudflare Workers.
Submitted 4/19/2020
An on the fly image optimization microservice with support for avif & webp
Submitted 9/11/2020
Identifying the intent of each log and group logs with the same intent in the same cluster.
Submitted 10/17/2020
Cloudflare Workers Todo List App
This is the source code for my Cloudflare Workers project - a simple todo application, powered by Cloudflare KV as the primary data source.
Submitted 7/24/2021